どこかの牧師が書いたそんな言葉を以前、アメリカのスーパーで見かけた。 その一文は心のどこかにすっと、静かに沈み、美しい景色となってずっと、わたしの中に存在しました。 夢中で踊る誰かの姿とともに、いつしか、「踊る」という動詞は、 わたしにとって、生き生きと生きることの、象徴になりました。
戦い争い傷つけ合うこと。不安や恐怖や絶望。 それらに抗う代わりに、わたしはひかりを粛々と集めたい。 わたしの、あなたの、彼らの、生きる日々にこぼれる、ひかり。 はかなく、強く、おだやかに、鋭く。 それらを余すところなく拾い、積み上げることは、わたしにとって、強い祈りのようなものです。歌が作れないから、歌の代わりに。踊るみたいに。
“Dance as if nobody is watching.”
I spotted those words, penned by a pastor somewhere, in an American supermarket. They wormed their way quietly into my heart, forming a beautiful scene that stayed with me. At some point, along with the sight of someone wholly immersed in dancing, for me the verb “to dance” became a symbol of living life to the fullest.
I want to collect light.
Battling, fighting, wounding each other. Uncertainty, fear, disappointment. I’d rather silently collect light than resist them all. The light that spills onto the days I, you, they, live. Ephemerally, powerfully, gently, sharply. Picking up every example of that light, adding it to the never-ending pile, is for me akin to saying a powerful prayer. Like song, because I can’t write songs. Like dancing.
Those particles of light I’ve scooped up eventually make their way far out of my hands, calling to each other to increase the brightness. People wreathed in light embrace each other, forgive each other, and fear disappears. This is a world of people helping each other, sharing with each other, loving each other. I’ve decided never to shift my focus from that.
So go ahead, dance like nobody’s watching.

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