自然な表情をとらえたポートレート、光る日々のスライス、美しいランドスケープを得意とする。写真展を定期的に行い、雑誌、広告 、アーティスト写真、書籍など多ジャンルで活動中。2011年3月に岡山に拠点を移す。全国及び海外を旅する日々。2017年に『ダレオド』(BOOK MARUTE/Pilgrim)を上梓。台湾を皮切りに、全国で展覧会とフェアを展開する。2019年にはWONDER FULL LIFE より『Rippling』を発表。fua accessoryとのコラボレーションで短編「モキク」をリリース。エッセイも多数。
Masako Nakagawa is a photographer based in Okayama, Japan. She has been working as a professional for over 20 years in Tokyo and moved to Okayama after the devastating earthquake hit Fukushima in 2011. Now she’s traveling all over Japan as well as overseas for shooting. She specializes in taking portraits, emotional scenery photos with unique style of capturing lights to express the world she sees through her eyes. Working as a professional photographer for magazines and advertisement, she is also focusing on her own personal works such as holding photo exhibitions and collaborating with other artists, fashion designers and musicians and has published four personal photo books. Last few years, she has expanded her field of works as a talented essayist and a novelist and published some works.